Friday, June 19, 2009

Sun Glasses

Prior to sunday's baseball game at Wrigley field, Mei and I laid out 5 pair of sunglasses that I have (collected over the last decade or so).

1. The ones that look like Neo's
2. The really cool reflective silver tinted ones
3. The cheap looking maroon orange ones
4. The less cheap looking maroon orange ones
5. The gaudy ones with the gold frame

One of us tried to select the really cool reflective silver tinted ones, but these were deemed to be "too douche baggy". Not that I looked like a "douche bag" wearing them of course, just that the sunglasses were "too douche baggy", because we'd never think I looked like a "douche bag". You know?

We went with the less cheap looking maroon orange ones.


Robert said...

Like the royal we? I think we need pictures.

Isaac said...

ahaha naw, just using 'We' to protect the identities of all involved :)