Thursday, September 24, 2009

3rd Trimester Time

Mei Mei and I have officially entered the 3rd or "money" trimester of the pregnancy. So far so good. I'm constantly impressed with how well Mei Mei has made it through the process so far. We've actually managed to get to the gym on a fairly regular basis, which I think is helping both of us out. Sometimes I have to ease Mei Mei back and remind her to take it easy, but I do think the nice light workouts are helping her with the back pain she experienced at the begining of the pregnancy. I can only imagine that new pains will come as the baby continues to grow. Currently the baby is listed as the size of very large cucumber according to our baby tracker in What to Expect when you are Expecting. I really wish they would choose size descriptors that weren't things that constantly vary in size, but so far we have only gotten fruits and vegetables. It has been fun watching the baby grow from a mustard seed to a grape to a prune to a plum to a peach to an orange and eventually on to a cucumber. Apparently the baby went from being extremely wrinkly, to nearly perfectly round to its current cylindrical shape. Hopefully, in the end it will come out baby shaped and not watermellon shaped.

In other news. Mei Mei and I very close to getting our new place. We still have some legal formalities, but if there are no hiccups, we'll be able close the deal and move in early November! We are both excited about the prospect of having our own town house, with a small private garden/patio space and garage (great for storing our bikes and doing "project"). We'll only be a couple blocks from our current place, so we will still get to enjoy the neighborhood we've come to know and love.

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