This is what happens when Phil decides to check his radiator fluid in your driveway.

Phil hadn't been outside for more than about 3 minutes when he came in to report "Isaac, we've got a problem..... a rabbit just ran into the garage!".
Reponding Quickly, I dashed to secure the premises and hook up our survellance to document the ensuing events.

Upon further investigation and interrogation, I found out that Phil had seen the rabbit coming and attempted to block his entrance, but the animal was too wily and fast for him. The rabbit had managed to fake Phil out and make his way inside the garage, but not before stepping directly on top of one of Phil's feet.
Exploring the garage, we found the little guy hidden in the corner behind a collection of paint cans.
He was very, very ferocious, so we approached with extreme caution.
After a harrowing struggle, Phil and I managed to corral him and send him on his way. You can see his vicious face in the photograph below.
Note: No Rabbits or Phils were harmed in this event.
But was it an attack rabbit?
Yes, in fact, it was! and neither of us with a Holy Hand-grenade! can you imagine our fear?!
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