Had our 20 week ultrasound today. Everything went really well. I was a little worried before hand, but one by one, the nurse took us through each tiny part of the baby (except...you know...the private parts... Mei Mei and I don't intend to find out the sex). It was really amazing to see the little hands and feet, complete with tiny l

ittle fingers and toes. The baby was rolling and moving quite actively, that, coupled with a healthy heart beat, was probably the most assuring. Every time we go through something like this, it makes the baby seem so much more real and present. I've also learned that at this stage the baby will begin to not only hear what we are saying but actually be effected by it. So swearing is out (probably as good of time to get rid of that anyhow). One author I read, described how he could communicate

basic counting to exercises to the baby saying clearly into his wife's stomach "one" and giving a gentle tap. Often the baby would respond with a little poke or kick. Afterward he would say "two" and give two taps, which would also often elicit a pair of kicks. Maybe it is too good to be true, but I'm excited to give it a shot :) !! Also, please click on the images to see them larger and in more detail.
Good stuff. I'd like to compare notes with you later on the "finding out", it will be interesting comparing thoughts.
Congrats on the baby. When are you guys due? I used to strap headphones to my belly and play Barry Manilow for my oldest and he'd dance and wiggle around. Come to think of it, he may have been trying to escape from it...hmmmm....
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